To my husband of 34 years, Mike Noller, I can’t imagine living life without you by my side as my partner through everything, every obstacle and opportunity that comes our way.

Thank you for always insisting on our time.

Even when my heart was consumed with our babies and I ached leaving them, you reminded me we love them best by loving each other better.

Thank you for encouraging me to take a honeymoon at least once a year, so we could remember who we are together even after we became many and life became more harried.

Thank you for telling me that we were raising adults not children, because as much as my mother’s heart wanted them to stay little forever, that wasn’t possible, and I needed to prepare myself for letting go. It’s painful, this letting go of control, real or imaginary, but I’m so thankful we never let go of each other.

You are the best man I know.

That’s saying a lot because as you know my dad was pretty amazing.

You are my favorite person and I’m glad we’re still holding hands across the table at our favorite restaurants and as we walk along beaches.

Thank you for not only saying that you’ll love me till the day you die, but living it as we go through death and rebirth in our lives over and over again in so many ways.

Thank you for learning how to love with me. Sometimes we fall short, but we keep striving, we keep working on ourselves individually, so our relationship continues to grow.

Thank you for loving your mom so beautifully. There’s an old saying that you can tell how a man is going to treat his wife by how he treats his mom. I am in good hands.

I love you, I love being with you, I love living with you. Thank you for growing with me through our lifetime together, always committed to learning and striving to do what’s right and good. We don’t always get it right but we forgive ourselves and each other, and I celebrate us. Happy belated anniversary! Cheers my love!

30 Years!

I was going to read through what I wrote last year on our 29th anniversary but I decided to just write what I’m thinking right now on our 30th. If it’s the same, oh well! 

There’s not a single person on this planet who is completely emotionally and mentally healthy. We all are damaged, wounded, broken. That’s why I think it’s amazing any of us stay married. It’s really a miracle. Take two broken people and expect them to put each other first, believe and trust in each other, and work through every obstacle with open loving hearts?? Sounds impossible! 

I can’t attribute the longevity of Mike and my love and commitment to each other to anyone but God and the fact that BOTH of us chose Him as our example to live by. The Bible is filled with stories of broken messed-up people who sometimes put their trust in God and live their lives striving for truth, and sometimes go their own way. In fact, King David himself who was “God’s chosen” and was said to love the Lord with all his heart, often went his own way, damaging himself and others. The difference was he always came back. He eventually fell to his knees with a contrite heart, asking for the forgiveness that was already there waiting for him. 

In some ways 30 years seems like an eternity. We were so young and naive at 22 and 20! We had no idea what the future held for us, and there were years we almost let go of each other’s hand…but we didn’t. It takes two, making the choice everyday to stay connected, to stay vulnerable and open. In other ways 30 years seems like a blink of an eye. Where did the time go? Weren’t we just starting out yesterday?? How is it that we feel 25 but our oldest son is 26??

I’m so thankful I chose a man who chooses God first, and me next. I’m so grateful he chooses me every day, even when I’m depressed, manic, sick, angry, or downright crazy…for better or worse! Thank you Mike for being such a true example of love to me and to our family. I’m so glad we chose each other 30 years ago today and still do, cherishing every moment we are privileged enough to have together. Yes we are damaged, wounded, and broken, yet we both acknowledge this truth and are committed to our personal emotional, mental, and spiritual growth, which makes our relationship stronger.

Happy Anniversary my love!❤️