To my husband of 34 years, Mike Noller, I can’t imagine living life without you by my side as my partner through everything, every obstacle and opportunity that comes our way.

Thank you for always insisting on our time.

Even when my heart was consumed with our babies and I ached leaving them, you reminded me we love them best by loving each other better.

Thank you for encouraging me to take a honeymoon at least once a year, so we could remember who we are together even after we became many and life became more harried.

Thank you for telling me that we were raising adults not children, because as much as my mother’s heart wanted them to stay little forever, that wasn’t possible, and I needed to prepare myself for letting go. It’s painful, this letting go of control, real or imaginary, but I’m so thankful we never let go of each other.

You are the best man I know.

That’s saying a lot because as you know my dad was pretty amazing.

You are my favorite person and I’m glad we’re still holding hands across the table at our favorite restaurants and as we walk along beaches.

Thank you for not only saying that you’ll love me till the day you die, but living it as we go through death and rebirth in our lives over and over again in so many ways.

Thank you for learning how to love with me. Sometimes we fall short, but we keep striving, we keep working on ourselves individually, so our relationship continues to grow.

Thank you for loving your mom so beautifully. There’s an old saying that you can tell how a man is going to treat his wife by how he treats his mom. I am in good hands.

I love you, I love being with you, I love living with you. Thank you for growing with me through our lifetime together, always committed to learning and striving to do what’s right and good. We don’t always get it right but we forgive ourselves and each other, and I celebrate us. Happy belated anniversary! Cheers my love!

Being Human

What to write? I’m blank…and numb. I guess I can write about numbing out.

We’ve had a year. Our 34th anniversary was May 21st and we determined it was our hardest yet. Not because of each other! Thank God we have spent so many years in individual therapy that we no longer blame each other for everything and we trust each other’s intentions.

Life is hard. It is harder for some than others, yet no matter who you are, your status, your income, your circumstances, you can count on the fact that you will have great difficulties if you are alive.

The great delusion is that you and I are in control of it all. I try so hard to micromanage my little world, and constantly feel frustrated when what I want doesn’t happen. So again I’m reminded of the serenity prayer…this time not just the first part, but the whole prayer.

God grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the Wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time.
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Christ did, this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would like it.

Trusting that They will make all things right,
If I surrender to Their will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this world
And supremely happy in the next.

Reasonably happy can only happen by accepting I’m not perfect and never will be. My parents, my husband, my kids, my grandkids aren’t perfect either. And I love them period. So I guess I need to love myself period.

Are you feeling like me? Do you struggle with control issues? Do you wish you could do certain things over in your life? Then I guess we’re human, right? Yep I thought so. Thanks for being human with me.

The Light of Day

It’s been a year since the world dramatically changed. Last Spring Break our family was headed to Dallas for the AAC tourney, and suddenly it was cancelled. One by one huge events including March Madness were called off. I remember feeling like the angel of death was headed our way so we all needed to get in our houses, shut the doors and pray. And that’s what we did.

I’m now reflecting on what’s changed since that moment one year ago this week. Before the pandemic I was pretty smug. I was feeling good about having raised three boys to adulthood without any major drama, transitioning to grandma status, and being physically fit. Today I’m a few pandemic pounds heavier, several friends shorter, and emotionally and mentally whacked. Unfortunately the pandemic caused so much stress and the election created so much division, many relationships have been strained and even severed. Some friends and relatives I thought of as “my people” are now distant acquaintances at best and strangers at worst. Toxic politics combined with the unprecedented experience of the pandemic encouraged us all to draw lines in the sand and redefine who and what we will tolerate in our lives.

Our personal worlds became little bubbles filled with only those we lived with, social media, and TV. Many bad habits took hold as well as tunnel vision. Unhealthy and even abusive relationships suddenly seemed sacred as we only had those we already lived with or communicated within our small constraining bubbles.

As I look back over the past year I am again reminded of the underworld in CS Lewis’s The Silver Chair. It’s obviously left a huge impression on me and rings true, as this is my third post with reference to it.

Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, Prince Rilian, Eustace, and Jill Pole are trapped underground in the Green Witch’s world and are forgetting there was ever an above ground place with the warm sun, moon and stars. The Lady of the Green Kirtle (the witch) is beautiful and an enchantress. She has killed Prince Rilian’s mother and captured him, keeping him under her bewitching spell of beauty and magic. She whispers in his ear that there is no Narnia, and the sun is dangerous, and he loses himself and everything he has ever trusted or believed in to her charms. Puddleglum, Eustace, and Jill Pole are on a mission to rescue him when they are also captured and begin to lose hope. Her manipulative words seduce them into believing Narnia and the outside world are merely a dream, but Puddleglum stamps out the magical fire of incense that is fogging their brains and gives an impassioned speech.

One word, Ma’am,” he said, coming back from the fire; limping, because of the pain. “One word. All you’ve been saying is quite right, I shouldn’t wonder. I’m a chap who always liked to know the worst and then put the best face I can on it. So I won’t deny any of what you said. But there’s one thing more to be said, even so. Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things – trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that’s a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We’re just babies making up a game, if you’re right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow. That’s why I’m going to stand by the play-world. I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t any Aslan to lead it. I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia. So, thanking you kindly for our supper, if these two gentlemen and the young lady are ready, we’re leaving your court at once and setting out in the dark to spend our lives looking for Overland. Not that our lives will be very long, I should think; but that’s a small loss if the world’s as dull a place as you say.”

I bring this up because the sun is rising, Spring is coming, the fog is lifting. Vaccinations are overriding Covid testings and cases are continuing to dramatically drop in most areas. The world as we remember it is going to return and we will rejoice and be glad in it!

But much damage has been done to many of our relationships and our mental and emotional health, and we must face it head on, and not bury it in our relief of the returning normalcy. Real growth is cultivated with hard work which can be painful. Our delusions that brought us some relief and comfort in our little bubbles will not hold in the returning days of freedom and normalcy, and we need to pop them and breathe in the fresh air, remembering who we were and all we wish to be. The future is brighter as we lift our heads to the sun in the outside world again!

I look forward to being with many of you for the first time since last March, hugging you, celebrating our friendships and being able to be together again doing things that we took for granted before such as sharing wine, breaking bread, going to events, etc. These “normal” gatherings will seem like extravagant festivals of joy that I bet we never take for granted again! And I hope we will learn from the unexpected vulnerability we all faced. Like coming out from underground, our souls are sickly and our skin may be sallow, but the sun is no longer just a memory or a dream, let us bask in its warmth and adjust our weakened eyes to the clarifying light of a new day!

To Love and Cherish

We’ve had a busy week with our middle son Keenan and his girlfriend Jen’s visit here from Cincinnati. Since it wasn’t a big family holiday we were able to just relax and have some down time with them and it was wonderful! It’s always hard to say goodbye but I held back the tears and got busy decorating for fall. It IS September you know! My house is all decked out in leaves and pumpkins and smells like pumpkin spice and apple cider!

Today was my niece Brynne’s and my FALL EXTRAVAGANZA outing, when we spend 5 hours going from store to store finding new fallish items we simply can’t live without. We had a fabulous time as usual and bought our Yankee candles, pumpkin jammies, William Sonoma fall kitchen sets, and various amazing autumn items. The weather cooperated with us and was overcast and 80 degrees with a gusty wind. It was a great kickoff to our favorite time of year!

As we were giggling over our many memories of this tradition, I had the loveliest moment of gratitude. In a world ever changing including ourselves, our fun and loving traditions can help us feel cozy and safe with the reminder that some things are worth keeping and never seem to get tiresome. These time honored moments make me think again of what is eternal…and love of course is first on my mind. Love of God, love of others, love of life. We need to remind ourselves again and again to love who we are and who we’re so fortunate to have in our lives, to cherish these moments with family and friends and to recognize their priceless value compared to the busyness of work and worry.

Last Saturday evening, we took our family to George’s Bistro, a fabulous French restaurant, and during dessert Keenan took a bite of his chocolate torte, closing his eyes just to relish the taste to the highest degree. Sometimes closing our eyes is necessary to fully taste or hear what is happening around us. Sometimes we need to block out the sound and just observe with our eyes our surroundings in every detail. The key is to be present in the moment. To fully experience where we are, who we’re with and what we are doing. This is what it means to cherish…to hold in our hearts, these are eternal moments worth remembering and if possible, recreating.

Washington/Oregon Wine Country Trip Part 2

Our fourth day we packed up and drove back down towards the Willamette Valley in Oregon. We traveled up to the lookout at Crown Pointe called Vista House that was built in 1916 at the same time as the now historic Columbia River Gorge Highway. The view was breathtaking even through the light showers that day.This was our only day of rain during the week.

We arrived at the Allison Inn and Spa around 3:30pm and were immediately impressed with the well manicured grounds. The staff treated us with great respect and care, and our room was spacious and luxurious with a relaxing window seat looking over the gorgeous gardens. Dinner at The Jory was a 5 star experience! Cedar plank salmon with an orange marmalade glaze and Pinot noir chocolate soufflé were the highlights of the evening, and the wait staff was highly knowledgeable and helpful.

We also had a couple’s massage at the Allison that was equally refreshing and relaxing. The eucalyptus oils were so wonderful we just had to purchase a bottle to take with us!

On Monday, June 11th, we visited Winderlea and Furioso Wineries, and experienced Domaine Serene’s 45th Parallel wine pairing. It was a 2 hour adventure of fabulous foods and wines and we felt overwhelmed with the lovely extravagance of it all! That evening we enjoyed dinner at Subterra, the highlight being bananas foster for dessert.

The next day we tasted Eyrie wines, had a drink on the rooftop bar at McMenamins in McMinnville, and went back to Domaine Serene as members to enjoy sitting on the terrace with our members only free wine tasting! This lush experience made me think of King Jon’s favorite Mel Brook’s quote from History of the World Part 1, “It’s good to be the king!”😆 We finished our day with a delectable dinner at Nick’s Italian Restaurant in McMinnville. The next morning I almost cried as we left The Allison Inn and Spa. It felt like we’d had a short trip to heaven, and once you’ve had a taste of heaven, it’s hard to leave it behind!

We spent our last night in downtown Portland visiting several of Portlandia’s famous spots such as The Screen Door (from Season 1 Episode 6), the “Keep Portland Weird” sign, Voodoo Donuts, and Land, a fun, quirky store in the Boise district that was featured in the “Put a bird on it” skit. Dinner was at Portland City Grill, overlooking the entire city. We ordered a Domaine Serene wine of course! It was an epic romantic adventure in celebration of 30 years of marriage, and has, of course, only strengthened our love of wines and good food!

Washington/Oregon Wine Country Trip pt 1

Mike and I just returned home from a fantastic 8 day trip to Washington and Oregon wine country. We flew from Wichita to Portland and arrived at 10:30am Pacific, rented a car and started the lovely drive along the Columbia river to Walla Walla, WA. We stopped for lunch at the Multnomah Falls Lodge and had a beautiful view of the Falls as we enjoyed our food. Apparently Multnomah Falls is the one with the famous Native American legend of the young girl who jumped, sacrificing herself to save her tribe. 

We continued our 3 hour drive to the Walla Walla area, and were warmly received at our luxurious bed and breakfast, Cameo Heights Mansion. There are 9 suites, all themed by countries, with huge jetted bathtubs and fireplaces. A dozen roses and champagne awaited us in our Spanish accommodations. 

Our 7 course dinner at the Cameo’s restaurant, The Vines, was delicious and informative as wines were paired with each dish. Chef Nathan did an incredible job with our breakfasts as well, but our favorite treat was an extra 8am wake up tray we could request each morning with rich fresh coffee and homemade pastries! A couple’s massage was also one of our favorite experiences at the mansion.

We had wine tastings at l’Ecole district 41, Sleight of Hands, Pepperbridge, Woodward Canyon, and my personal favorite, Northstar. I must say (while I am known for being a tad dramatic at times) I tasted a merlot that was so perfectly balanced with so many incredible flavors, I was brought to tears. I felt overwhelmed, as if the Ghost of Christmas Present himself had just given me a taste from his mug!

We had a 7 course wine and food experience at the Marc Restaurant in the restored and renowned Marcus Whitman Hotel in downtown Walla Walla. Our service was impeccable and we learned so much about which foods bring out the best aspects of the wines. Our last night in the area we ate at an Italian bar named Passatempo Taverna that had innovative made from scratch pasta dishes with an excellent wine list of course! (To be continued…)


Mike and I have been going through quite a bit of stress the past couple of years. Financial issues, prolonged illness and death of loved ones, employee turnover, transitions…all of these things can inhibit and choke intimacy out of a relationship. It’s easy to “batten down the hatches” and barrel on ahead to the next crisis, without taking the time or energy to nurture our relationship. 

We are leaving next week for a tour of Oregon and Washington Wine Country in celebration of our 30th wedding anniversary and to help get our focus back on each other, our family counselor assigned us to write love letters every day. Ladies, my man is so in touch with his own heart, he melts mine! We’ve only written two days worth and I’m already head over heels again!❤️

This hasn’t always been the case. We spent our first 10 years walking on eggshells, not really knowing who we were individually so therefore incapable of understanding each other. The past 20 years have been filled with discovery, struggles, authenticity, and genuine knowing and loving. We still find ourselves in difficult places, we struggle communicating, we still sometimes hurt each other with our attitudes and words, we still reach crossroads in our relationship that require thoughtful consideration, we still have to consciously choose growing together which means being vulnerable with each other, being honest which is often painful, and having hard conversations without someone walking away. 

It’s never easy. But oh how rewarding! I’m so thankful I married a man who truly wants intimacy with me, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. The latter is not even an option without the other three. I am so lucky to be in a living and active, loving, committed relationship with this man! 

30 Years!

I was going to read through what I wrote last year on our 29th anniversary but I decided to just write what I’m thinking right now on our 30th. If it’s the same, oh well! 

There’s not a single person on this planet who is completely emotionally and mentally healthy. We all are damaged, wounded, broken. That’s why I think it’s amazing any of us stay married. It’s really a miracle. Take two broken people and expect them to put each other first, believe and trust in each other, and work through every obstacle with open loving hearts?? Sounds impossible! 

I can’t attribute the longevity of Mike and my love and commitment to each other to anyone but God and the fact that BOTH of us chose Him as our example to live by. The Bible is filled with stories of broken messed-up people who sometimes put their trust in God and live their lives striving for truth, and sometimes go their own way. In fact, King David himself who was “God’s chosen” and was said to love the Lord with all his heart, often went his own way, damaging himself and others. The difference was he always came back. He eventually fell to his knees with a contrite heart, asking for the forgiveness that was already there waiting for him. 

In some ways 30 years seems like an eternity. We were so young and naive at 22 and 20! We had no idea what the future held for us, and there were years we almost let go of each other’s hand…but we didn’t. It takes two, making the choice everyday to stay connected, to stay vulnerable and open. In other ways 30 years seems like a blink of an eye. Where did the time go? Weren’t we just starting out yesterday?? How is it that we feel 25 but our oldest son is 26??

I’m so thankful I chose a man who chooses God first, and me next. I’m so grateful he chooses me every day, even when I’m depressed, manic, sick, angry, or downright crazy…for better or worse! Thank you Mike for being such a true example of love to me and to our family. I’m so glad we chose each other 30 years ago today and still do, cherishing every moment we are privileged enough to have together. Yes we are damaged, wounded, and broken, yet we both acknowledge this truth and are committed to our personal emotional, mental, and spiritual growth, which makes our relationship stronger.

Happy Anniversary my love!❤️

All the Year

I know I reference A Christmas Carol frequently throughout the year, but I have never felt the following quote from the musical Scrooge to it’s capacity until now. Scrooge has just witnessed the whole town singing in joyful gratitude that their debts have been forgiven. He joins in the singing not realizing their happiness is from his future death. He then watches the Cratchets as they mourn Tiny Tim. He’s confused by the height and depth of the opposite emotions.

“Spirit you’ve shown me a Christmas yet to comes that mingles great happiness with great sadness.”

This week has been a week of extreme, polar opposite feelings. My 50th birthday brought great joy, love, and thankfulness as I spent cherished time with family and friends. I am humbled by all that I experienced in a fantastic party thrown by my dear friend and soul sister with laughter, fabulous food, wine, and dancing with my beloved grandson Theo. I felt so incredibly celebrated!!!

Yet on my very birthday the world lost a dear cherished person, a friend of mine from church, to a freak accident. Here I have been fretting over turning 50 when I should realize how lucky I am to even BE. 

Then, on the day of my great celebration a precious young student of mine was taken from us through a tragic senseless accident caused by a drunk driver. I was watching my 16 month old grandson Theo dancing at my party with overflowing joy in my heart that was mixed with heavy sorrow at the loss of this sweet kindhearted student, and I couldn’t process everything I was feeling. Such joy and gratitude and such heavy hearted deep sorrow. Seemingly opposite emotions, yet inexplicably intertwined. One cannot exist without the other. As CS Lewis said in A Grief Observed, “The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. That’s the deal.” They are forever joined as one can’t truly be experienced without its counterpart. 

In this life we laugh and we cry, but let us humbly bow our heads in both joy and sorrow, as love and gratitude bind them together. May we choose to live every day to the fullest, making sure we tell each other how we feel and share our love with all we have the privilege to meet, for we may never pass this way again, and I for one want you to know I’m so thankful for you my cherished family and friends. Again I share my favorite quote from Scrooge which my dearest friend who I call both little sister and niece, paraphrased in etching on my birthday wine glass, 

“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.”


Well it’s finally here…my 50th birthday.

I apologize to those of you who have already passed this milestone and transitioned graciously and effortlessly. You’re much more mature than I am which proves age and maturity don’t go hand in hand. If they did I wouldn’t be writing this, would I? I’d accept myself at every age with a peaceful heart and smile. I’d be happy in my gray hair (THANK GOD FOR MY COLOR SPECIALIST) and my wrinkly, translucent skin. Seriously, why do my veins look neon blue and like they might pop out and punch someone in the eye for staring too long??  I guess I’ve been subconsciously preparing myself for this day for months, and I’m pretty sure I can sum up the experience with the different stages of grief.

Denial-“I can’t be 50…that’s my mom’s age, or at least the age she SHOULD be…” 

“They say 50’s the new 30!” 

“I could pass for 39.”

Anger-“Ridiculous!!! I’ve barely lived!!! I’m still figuring out what I want to do and be in this world!!! STOP THE #%?! TRAIN FOR JUST A FEW FREAKING YEARS PLEASE!!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!! HOW RUDE!!!”

Bargaining-“I’ll exercise an hour every day, eat spinach and blueberries and almonds, drink less wine, lose 30 lbs, and at least look and feel 30 on my 50th!” (This lasted through the first two weeks of January)

Depression-“Why try? I’m not a published songwriter or author, I’m not famous, and I’m 50!!! Might as well sit on my butt and eat cookies with my wine…I’ve got 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls to catch up on and a reunion mini-series.”

Acceptance-I’ll get back to you on this one…I’ve still got half of season 7 and the reunion to go…😂

Truth be told, I’m in a pretty good headspace at the moment. Life does move too fast…but at least the windows are down and there’s a fresh breeze blowing through my color-treated hair! Thanks for being on this train with me…it’s good to know all my friends are with me at every crazy stage in life. We are not alone…we have each other…so put your floppy loose-skinned hand in mine and sing me my birthday song!!! 

CHEERS TO 50 and counting!!!🍷