I haven’t written a post for a few months because I’ve been busy marketing my first children’s album Watch Me Grow (streaming everywhere) and writing songs for my next children’s album to be produced this summer.

Last November I went to Boston to attend the Children’s Music Network conference and was blown away by the amazing talent and warmth of so many music artists. It was an overwhelming experience to feel the intimidation of being with such creative and successful people yet feel completely accepted and encouraged by all I met. Once I got back to Wichita I had to take time to process the whole experience.

One of my conversations with Symon Haijar (Hot Toast Music Co.)led to the writing of my title song for my next album, Big. We were discussing how children don’t always know what they are feeling and how to process emotions and I blurted out, “It’s not just kids! We’re all so much bigger than our bodies can hold!”

The more I thought about it, I realized the truth of it. Our physical bodies are small and limiting compared to our spirits. I feel comforted recognizing this as I think about loved ones such as my dad and my mother in law who have left their frail physical bodies and I feel their absence in my gut every moment of every day. Their spirits were much too big to have simply disappeared into nothingness, and I know they exist, just in a different form beyond my comprehension.

Think of all of the times you have felt overwhelmed with emotion in your lifetime. Your poor little body can’t handle the bigness of you and your eye ducts leak, your heart races, your head feel faint, etc. our minds and spirits can actually send our bodies into shock that can lead to death! I see these things as signs that we are much more than we know or understand. We are so big…bigger than our bodies can hold.

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