I’ve been working on a 10 song children’s album that originally was going to be titled Can You Imagine. As the album evolved it became clear to me the overlying theme is Watch Me Grow. I wrote the title song in June when a dear friend and colleague suggested I needed an interactive song to encourage physical activity. I didn’t realize until I’d written it and sung through it a few times that it actually is a universal truth and not just a children’s song. Here are the lyrics:

Watch Me Grow

A long time ago I was just a baby

I didn’t even know my name

and then I learned to crawl and walk and talk

And the world just wasn’t the same.

I remember feeling proud and strong.

That’s when my heart started singing this song

raise your hands up high

stomp your feet down low,

raise them up to the sky

now touch them down to your toes

Raise your hands up high

Clap them 123 whoa whoa

and make sure you don’t close your eyes

so you can watch me grow.

I am still a kid and I’ll keep on growing

no matter how tall I get

cause thinking is growing and it feels good just knowing

there’s so much I haven’t learned yet

now I still am feeling proud and strong.

I want the whole world to sing this song

raise your hands up high

Stomp your feet down low,

raise them up in the Sky,

Now touch them down to your toes

raise your hands up high

Clap them 123 whoa whoa

and make sure you don’t close your eyes

so you can watch me grow

watch me grow

watch me grow

watch me grow!

The realization happened when I was recording a rough vocal for my producer. I began to cry as I sang the second verse about thinking is growing and it feels good just knowing there’s so much I haven’t learned yet.

So much I haven’t learned yet.

Life is humbling and ironic. As we age we begins to realize how little we understand and how short our time is. HL Mencken wrote that the basic fact about human existence is not a tragedy but that it’s a bore. When we lose the wonder of it all, boredom stalks us at every angle.

I believe the following is an eternal truth

“And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This is how I found my love for singing and songwriting again. Being with God’s people, children. They don’t doubt everything yet, they still believe in magic, in happy endings. Cynicism hasn’t taken over their hearts. Let us be like them. We don’t have to know everything. We can rest in the mystery of life, of love, of compassion. And as we humble ourselves something truly mystical happens, no matter our physical age, we grow. This is why my song is universal. I’m still growing, and I hope I always will be.

Watch Me Grow! Will be my second single release on all streaming platforms in January. Please look for it as well as my first release My Sunshine on October 20th. Add them to you playlists and download if you enjoy them! Thanks for your support!

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