I had a horrible, awful, crappy, no good day.

My 4th graders wouldn’t stop talking and gave me a headache.

My second graders wouldn’t stop talking or rolling around on the floor and continued my headache.

My first graders were angels.

My Kinders were Kinders, need I say more.

My honors choir goofed off and made me wish I wasn’t giving up my plan time twice a week.

I went home and had a session with my spiritual director. I complained I cried I meditated and I realized the song I’ve been writing this week was for my own encouragement. I hope it encourages you as well. The lyrics are as follows:

Hope lifts the soul, and it raises the spirit

Opens our eyes and our ears, can you hear it?

Calling on all who are searching for answers

Don’t let go don’t give up hope is enough

Sometimes the dark can bring fear and confusion

Doubt pushes through and may cause disillusion

Open your heart and let grace overtake you

Don’t let go don’t give up

Hope is enough

Give away joy and compassion

Always be generous with grace

Be kindness and love in action

Let go of your worries release your pain hold on to faith

You are a light to the world all around you

Hold it up high let it’s brightness surround you

You are the hope that inspires so many

Don’t give up don’t give in

Keep that beautiful spark from within

Hope is enough!

I had a horrible awful crappy no good day. Some days are like that, no matter where you are.

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