God is not limited to linear time, but is timeless and time-full…non-linear, and beyond our comprehension. To try and limit God’s ways to ours is much the same as a baby’s assumption that their primary caregiver is an extension of themselves.

I believe God’s plan for the world has always been. The resurrection of Christ has always been. Jesus was the Christ in our linear time, yet He has always been the crucified and resurrected Christ and the world is filled with this universal message. There is death and resurrection all around us in nature, in outer space, in our daily lives. Those that came before us on our linear timeline were already saved by Him.

Unfortunately humans in our fear and limited understanding continue to make up religious rules that limit God and keep other human beings “in line” or “out of the fold.” We create dualistic dogma that separates us into the saved and unsaved.

Growing up in an evangelical church I had very clear cut beliefs on heaven and hell and who was going where. As I grew older I began to question the goodness of a God who condemns those who have grown up being taught other faiths than Christianity, especially when I began to believe God is a universal infinite Creator who can’t possibly be indoctrinated.

Cults are based on fear and group think, with an us and them mentality. God as I understand has an inclusive nature, desiring all to be saved.

Every time I read a passage in the Bible that seems exclusive I am compelled to find its source and who determined its inclusion into the Bible. As Christians we all need to understand the difference between doctrine and the God of the universe.

I believe the Bible is a wonderful clue to who our God is, but I don’t believe the Bible is equal to God. I don’t believe it is infallible and perfect, though I do believe God is. People throughout history have had too much control over the contents of the Bible and have used it to oppress and control others so I absolutely cannot put it in an equal state of importance as our mysterious, unfathomable, omniscient Creator.

Anytime someone uses scripture to be exclusive and put fear into the hearts of others, it goes against my understanding of God’s will, and I would argue is actually antichrist…for a loving God who takes all the sadness, burdens, and despair of the world not only on his back but inside of His very heart and soul can’t possibly hate and shun the very ones He weeps and dies for.

God is mysterious in many ways but has made it very clear just how far he’ll go to save the world. The church as a whole just can’t seem to comprehend that kind of love and grace. We continue to act out the role of the obedient brother who stays home in the story of the prodigal son, resenting that our Father forgives our brothers and sisters for being irresponsible and sinful. Yet we sin in our judgment and condemnation and are daily, no HOURLY in equal need of God’s love and grace.

Thank God that God is God and you and I are beloved. Very few people would be saved or even safe from our angry unforgiving hearts. The world will know us by our LOVE…nothing more. Not our doctrine, not our interpretations, not our denomination or even our religion, not our scriptures, or our casseroles, or our music.

Love cancels out sin, hate, and fear. God is LOVE, and we are made in His image…WE are love! Let us be love as we are loved…beloved.

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