Listen…life has dramatically changed…yes. We are in an unprecedented time of crisis…and reflection. Luckily the government is going to send us checks to keep us from despairing completely, so let’s stop and think. What can we gain from this craziness? What can we learn? Why are we so afraid of the quiet? Our own thoughts? Busyness keeps us from thinking, analyzing, reassessing. We’re afraid of all of the above because we’re afraid of facing truth, yet, as Jesus said, “the truth will set you free.”

If you are now at home with your children because school is shut down, think about why you ever had kids in the first place. Was it status quo? An accident?

They are your people….the ones in this big world you are directly having an effect on. They love you and depend on you. In fact, psychologists say you are their first picture of God. Wow. Kind of makes you want to stop and think doesn’t it? This difficult time doesn’t have to be hell on earth. It will be what we make of it. If we choose to reflect, to change, to grow and learn, this pandemic can help us be better parents, better people. As Dr, Scott Peck said in the first line of his bestseller The Road Less Travelled, “Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult.”

We can’t control COVID19 and what’s happening around us, but we can control our response to it all. Life as we know it has changed dramatically. What can we gain from this moment of forced reflection? What good can come from it? If we stop raging against the unfairness and injustice of it all and start focusing on what we can change, what we can be thankful for, maybe we will learn something from this experience that will alter our way of life in a positive way. I’m an elementary music teacher who already is grieving the lost time with students, not getting to say goodbye to my graduating 5th graders, and missing our 4th and 5th grade programs that they were working so diligently on!!! I’m sad…but I want you parents to realize the opportunity you have…As a teacher I choose to be with your kids every day as my profession and that is now taken from me and given back to you. Please see it as an opportunity filled with learning and love and relationship. And tell them how much you love them! And tell them that their music teacher misses them beyond words!!!❤️

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